REDmoney events


The IFN Issuers & Investors Forum is seven year franchise by RedMoney Group, which began in 2006, starting with the MIF Forum in Kuala Lumpur. The event, which instantly became the Islamic finance industry’s largest annual event was then rebranded as the IFN Asia Forum in 2009 in recognition of Asia’s growing dominance within the industry, and now covers the major markets in Islamic finance, including Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Europe, and Africa. The IFN Forum has created a new format for Islamic finance events, with specific focus is on the buy-and sell-side which we believe is where the industry needs to develop. The first day is targeted towards issuers and the second day towards investors, and the Takaful and re-Takaful industry.

Only senior industry practitioners are invited to attend and are not required to pay a delegate fee. The event is predominantly structured around open round-table discussions, guaranteeing no ‘sales pitches’. Only the industry’s leading practitioners are invited to participate as panelists and are managed carefully to ensure the relevant topics are discussed.


Issuers Day: Monday, 16th April 2012
Investors Day: Tuesday, 17th April 2012
Takaful & re-Takaful Day: Tuesday, 17th April 2012
With the world’s largest Muslim population and its fast developing Islamic finance initiatives and regulations, Indonesia is where the future lies.
Issuers Day: Monday, 1st October 2012
Investors Day: Tuesday, 2nd October 2012
Takaful & re-Takaful Day: Tuesday, 2nd October 2012
With complimentary delegate passes for all issuers, investors, regulators and other senior and relevant key practitioners, the IFN Asia Forum 2012 will continue to be the industry’s largest and leading annual event.
Issuers Day: Tuesday, 30th October 2012
Investors Day: Wednesday, 31st October 2012
Generally recognized as the financial centre of Europe, and certainly the most active Islamic financial centre, London has been chosen as the home of the IFN Europe Forum.
Issuers Day: Monday, 12th November 2012
Investors Day: Tuesday, 13th November 2012
This exclusive event in Riyadh will follow our tradition of delivering two, one-day events focusing on the ‘Issuer’ and ‘Investor’ markets within Saudi Arabia.