Advisory Boards

For each event, an advisory board comprising the industry’s leading practitioners and regulators is assembled to offer advice on content, speakers, flow and format.

How We Build Our Programs

Our events offer participants a holistic view of latest industry trends typically in a succinct one-day program format. Our agendas are compiled after in-depth research is undertaken through research reports and interviews, in-house content analysis and discussions with market participants. The advisory board offers advice on content, speakers, flow and format. The agenda is circulated to the advisory board for final comments before our team initiates the speaker invitation process.


For all REDmoney Events, we embark on an in-depth and detailed marketing campaign ensuring we reach and attract those relevant to be present. Email campaigns, Social Media, In-House Advertising, Media Partners, Industry Associations, Regulators, and Partners’ Clients are all called upon and managed.


We don’t charge delegates to attend REDmoney events, but we are restrictive on who we accept. We want those in attendance being the individuals you want to meet. We believe in quality over quantity.


We are privileged to work closely with all key regulators in each market we host events. We believe it’s important to have those responsible for the future development and direction of the industry to be present along with those leading pioneers. We also enjoy excellent professional relationships and partnerships with all Islamic finance associations, including AAOIFI, IIFM, IILM, IFSB and of course the Islamic Development Bank and all its subsidiaries.


Each event will be complemented by an exclusive follow-up Report, published in conjunction with all supporting Partners and distributed to the entire IFN global database, ensuring event Partners reach not just those in attendance, but tens of thousands around the world. This is truly unique. As the only Islamic finance event organizer with a truly global publishing arm, nobody else can offer such an opportunity.

GOING GREEN: In our commitment to environmental sustainability, REDmoney Events pledges to reduce the use of plastics in our events. This includes replacing disposable plastic water bottles, pens, cups and plastic-based souvenirs. Plastic pollution has become one of the world’s most pressing environmental challenges and we are playing our part to reduce the global environmental destruction even as the increased production of plastics has overwhelmed the world’s ability to dispose of them. We ask for your continued support and patronage as we undertake this initiative.