Through the nature of their businesses, financial institutions are intrinsically exposed and linked to the consequences of climate change. There are many examples of how global climate change will directly affect financial institutions, including damage to non-resilient assets such as real estate along coast lines, to damage to crops and industry from storms, floods and unusual temperatures, to health risks to people and communities.
There is also the fundamental assumption that financial institutions directly and indirectly contribute to climate change through their financing activities. How institutions choose the assets they finance and how they report on their risk profile is crucial to measuring and managing the impact of financial institution activity on our climate.
This short online training program will review the various aspects of climate change and climate risk in order to allow financial institutions and regulators to identify how and where financing activities contribute to it. The module will help financial institutions understand important policy issues and technological developments relevant to climate risk, and how mitigating steps have been taken in various jurisdictions. The module will also provide practical guidance on how financial institutions should prepare themselves to face new risks, such as COVID-19, that are emerging globally.
- Understanding vital climate change related factors driving changing appreciation and interpretations of risk
- Assessing and identifying the implications of global policy and technological changes relative to climate change
- Analyzing recent global market developments, including the role of governments and the development of green financial products
- Understanding how global financial institutions are preparing for and responding to climate risk
- Assessing the options and opportunities for a green recovery from the ongoing global pandemic
- Examining the role of regulators and supervisors and the integration of climate-related and environmental risks into prudential supervision
1 participant: RM650
3 participants: RM1,300
4 participants: RM1,950
4 participants: RM2,600
5 participants: RM3,250
If you are looking for an in-house training program or wish to send a group to an existing public program, kindly please contact Andrew Tebbutt at [email protected] or +603 2162 7802.
Learn More
Kindly complete the registration form and email to [email protected] or fax +603 2162 7810
Online Delivery
For enquiries please contact:
Normariya Sariman
Account Manager, REDmoney Seminars
[email protected]
Direct Line: +603 2162 7800 ext 44
Ramesh Kalimuthu
Events Sales Director
[email protected]
Direct Line: +603 2162 7800 ext 65
Fax: +603 2162 7810
For sponsorship & speaking opportunities:
Andrew Tebbutt
Managing Director
[email protected]
Direct Line: +603 2162 7802
For marketing and media enquiries
Govina Selvanthran
Marketing Manager
[email protected]
Direct Line: +603 2162 7800 ext 22
Who Will Benefit
This short, concise, practical online program will benefit anyone from a bank or financial institution concerned with climate risk:
- Senior Management and Boards of Directors of financial institutions
- Chief Financial Officers and Chief Risk Officers
- Senior risk, audit and compliance professionals
- Investor relations professionals
- Financial regulators and supervisors
- Ratings professionals
Program Format
This training program will be delivered online through a stable, secure and free-to-access platform. The program itself will be delivered through lectures, worked examples and case studies in order to ensure a detailed and practical understanding of the program content. Participants will have plenty of opportunity to ask questions and interact with the program director. Login details and program materials will be sent to participants upon receipt of payment

Through the nature of their businesses, financial institutions are intrinsically exposed and linked to the consequences of climate change. There are many examples of how global climate change will directly affect financial institutions, including damage to non-resilient assets such as real estate along coast lines, to damage to crops and industry from storms, floods and unusual temperatures, to health risks to people and communities.
There is also the fundamental assumption that financial institutions directly and indirectly contribute to climate change through their financing activities. How institutions choose the assets they finance and how they report on their risk profile is crucial to measuring and managing the impact of financial institution activity on our climate.
This short online training program will review the various aspects of climate change and climate risk in order to allow financial institutions and regulators to identify how and where financing activities contribute to it. The module will help financial institutions understand important policy issues and technological developments relevant to climate risk, and how mitigating steps have been taken in various jurisdictions. The module will also provide practical guidance on how financial institutions should prepare themselves to face new risks, such as COVID-19, that are emerging globally.
- Understanding vital climate change related factors driving changing appreciation and interpretations of risk
- Assessing and identifying the implications of global policy and technological changes relative to climate change
- Analyzing recent global market developments, including the role of governments and the development of green financial products
- Understanding how global financial institutions are preparing for and responding to climate risk
- Assessing the options and opportunities for a green recovery from the ongoing global pandemic
- Examining the role of regulators and supervisors and the integration of climate-related and environmental risks into prudential supervision
Want to know more about this program?
This short, concise, practical online program will benefit anyone from a bank or financial institution concerned with climate risk:
- Senior Management and Boards of Directors of financial institutions
- Chief Financial Officers and Chief Risk Officers
- Senior risk, audit and compliance professionals
- Investor relations professionals
- Financial regulators and supervisors
- Ratings professionals
This training program will be delivered online through a stable, secure and free-to-access platform. The program itself will be delivered through lectures, worked examples and case studies in order to ensure a detailed and practical understanding of the program content. Participants will have plenty of opportunity to ask questions and interact with the program director. Login details and program materials will be sent to participants upon receipt of payment
1 participant: RM650
3 participants: RM1,300
4 participants: RM1,950
4 participants: RM2,600
5 participants: RM3,250
If you are looking for an in-house training program or wish to send a group to an existing public program, kindly please contact Andrew Tebbutt at [email protected] or +603 2162 7802.
Learn More
Kindly complete the registration form and email to [email protected] or fax +603 2162 7810
Online Delivery
- Climate impacts and physical change
- Policy changes and transition risks
- Technology change risks arising
- The EU Taxonomy and China’s updated Green Projects Catalogue
- The role of green bonds as a risk mitigant
- Green bond performance and the “halo” effect
- Daughters of Green Bonds: the growth of thematic bond issuance: social, sustainable, pandemic & recovery bonds
- What global financial institutions are doing to respond to climate risk
- Statement and analysis on the need for a green recovery out of the Covid-19 crisis
- Status report on financial institutions’ practices with respect to risk differential between green, non-green and brown financial assets and a potential risk differential
- An essential guide for supervisors: integrating climate-related and environmental risks into prudential supervision

Sean Kidney
CEO, Climate Bonds Initiative
Sean Kidney is the CEO of the Climate Bonds Initiative, an international NGO working to mobilise debt capital markets for climate solutions. Projects include a green bond definitions and certification scheme with $34 trillion of assets represented on its Board and some 50 organisations involved in its development and governance; advising the EU; and working with China's central bank on how to grow green bonds in China. Sean is also Consultant (Green Bonds) to the United Nations Secretary General.
An accomplished international speaker, Sean has over the past year spoken at conferences and seminars in Toronto, New York, Boston, Washington DC, Paris, Frankfurt, Utrecht, London, Casablanca, Doha, Beijing, Hong Kong and Sydney. He is also a member of German International Aid Ministry’s TRANSfer Expert Group on “Using Climate Financing to Leverage Sustainable Transport; Mercer’s Sustainability Opportunities Fund Advisory Panel; The Canadian Corporate Knights Capital Advisory Council; Carbon War Room’s Building Efficiency Advisory Board; The Partnership on Sustainable Low Carbon Transport’s (SloCAT) Financing Framework. He was a member of the 2013 Commonwealth Secretariat’s Expert Committee on Climate Finance. Sean was previously an award-winning marketing advisor to a number of the largest Australian pension funds and a social marketer and publisher.

Cedric Rimaud
Corporate Bonds & Green Finance Specialist, Climate Bonds Initiative
With more than 20 years of experience in the fund management industry and more than 10 years at top ranking investment banking firms (JP Morgan, Citi and Credit Suisse), Cedric has been managing fixed income portfolios and analyzing corporate bonds during the most part of his career, most recently as the Head of Emerging Markets Corporate Credit Research at an independent credit research company. He has been managing teams of analysts and acting as a principal of small investment teams in various capacities. He earned a Masters in Finance from the London Business School and he is currently enrolled in the joint Executive MBA program of INSEAD in Singapore and Tsinghua University in Beijing. Cedric is a CFA charter holder and member of the CFA Society in Singapore. Since relocating for the second time to Asia six years ago (Bangkok and Singapore), he has been developing investable projects in the climate finance space in South East Asia. He has been a consultant for the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia Pacific (including Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines) on Green Finance.
For enquiries please contact:
Normariya Sariman
Account Manager, REDmoney Seminars
[email protected]
Direct Line: +603 2162 7800 ext 44
Ramesh Kalimuthu
Events Sales Director
[email protected]
Direct Line: +603 2162 7800 ext 65
Fax: +603 2162 7810
For sponsorship & speaking opportunities:
Andrew Tebbutt
Managing Director
[email protected]
Direct Line: +603 2162 7802
For marketing and media enquiries
Govina Selvanthran
Marketing Manager
[email protected]
Direct Line: +603 2162 7800 ext 22