09:15 – 09:30
Welcome Address
Rifki Ismal — Assistant Director, Bank Indonesia
09:30 – 10:35
Islamic Finance and Banking in Indonesia: 2018 and onwards
With the emergence of BPKH as a notable regional player, recent significant capital-raising exercises and impressive asset growth rates from domestic Islamic banks, the continued efforts of the National Committee on Islamic Finance, the embrace of fintech and the development of the Islamic capital markets, there is much to discuss in Indonesian Islamic finance. We ask the industry’s elite to share their views on local and regional developments – including regulation – that will influence the development of Islamic finance in the Republic.
Moderator:Hurriyah El Islamy — Executive Board Member, Badan Pengelola Keuangan Haji (BPKH)
Panelists:Ibrahim Ali Shoukry — Regional Head, South East Asia Hub, Indonesia, Islamic Development Bank
Irwan Abdalloh — Head of Islamic Capital Market Division, Indonesia Stock Exchange
Luky Alfirman — Director-General of Budget Financing and Risk Management, Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia
Mohammad Farrukh Raza — Managing Director, IFAAS
Mohammed Kateeb — Group Chairman and CEO, Path Solutions
Shamzani Hussain — Managing Director and Head of Global Islamic Banking, FAB Siraj
10:35 – 11:05
Coffee Break
11:05 – 11:45
Developing the Islamic Asset Management Industry in Indonesia
BPKH will be a hugely important institutional investor and its emergence is a significant boon for the local asset management industry. What does BPKH’s entrance mean for Shariah compliant investment in Indonesia and what more needs to be done to develop this important sector?
Moderator:Cassim Docrat — Director, DDCAP
Panelists:Endang Astharanti — Director, Mandiri Manajemen Investasi
Gunanta Afrima — Director, Syailendra Capital
I Made B. Tirthayatra — Deputy Director of Investment Management Licensing, Financial Services Authority – Indonesia
Monem Salam — President and Executive Director, Saturna
Syed Mashafuddin Syed Badarudin — CEO, CIMB-Principal Islamic Asset Management
11:45 – 12:25
Sukuk, Capital Markets and Ratings in Indonesia
What does the listing of Islamic bank stocks on IDX mean for the industry and what more can be done to allow Islamic financial institutions easier access to capital? What is the latest view toward the development of the domestic Sukuk market? We also discuss issues such as the Shariah compliance of tradable debt instruments, ratings, the development and deepening of domestic Islamic secondary markets and the potential for Waqf in capital market transactions.
Moderator:Qudeer Latif — Partner (Global Head of Islamic Finance), Clifford Chance
Panelists:Chung Chee Leong — CEO, Cagamas
Mohamad Safri Shahul Hamid — Senior Managing Director and Deputy CEO, CIMB Islamic
Muhammad Gunawan Yasni — Member of National Shariah Board, Indonesian Council of Ulemas
Muhammad Touriq — Deputy Director, Sharia Capital Market Directorate, Financial Services Authority – Indonesia
12:25 – 14:00
14:00 – 14:40
Green, Sustainable and Responsible Finance and Investment in Indonesia
With Indonesia setting benchmarks through the issue of the industry’s first green Sukuk, there is significant local and regional interest in responsible finance and investment. What’s the latest regulatory and standard-setting position with regards to the sector? What is needed to make green finance and socially responsible investment mainstream and can sectors such as infrastructure potentially benefit from its growth?
Moderator:Lawrence Oliver — Director and Deputy CEO, DDCAP
Panelists:Abdul Aleem Habeeb — Corporate and Structured Finance Manager, Asia, Islamic Trade Finance Corporation
Ashraf Arshad — Financial Sector Specialist, World Bank Group
Kanya Satwika — Partner, Assegaf Hamzah & Partners
Masumi Hamahira — Advisor – Islamic Banking Window, MUFG Bank
14:40 – 15:15
Infrastructure Finance and the Role of Islamic Financial Institutions in Indonesia
Building the nation’s roads, railways and ports offers a huge opportunity for Islamic financial institutions. What are the priorities for the development of infrastructure finance in Indonesia? What models could feasibly be imported from other countries and what lessons could be learned? Do Public-Private Partnerships offer a viable model and what role does Sukuk play?
Moderator:Indri P Guritno — Partner, Hadiputranto, Hadinoto & Partners
Panelists:Agung Wiryawan — Partner, PwC Indonesia
Edwin Syahruzad — Director, Sarana Multi Infrastruktur
Irman Boyle — Head of Advisory, Indonesia Infrastructure Finance
15:15 – 16:00
Preparing for the Future: Financial Technology in Indonesia
What is the present status of Indonesian FinTech regulations and what does the advancement of technology mean for financial institutions in Indonesia? What does the development of smart contracts and blockchains mean for Islamic banking in the region? We analyze opportunities and challenges as well as likely industry shifts and developments in product and delivery channels.
Moderator:Vineeta Tan — Editor, IFN Fintech
Panelists:Abdul Rahman — Managing Director, Abdul Rahman Law Corporation
Dima Djani — CEO, ALAMI
Matthew J Martin — Founder and CEO, Blossom Finance
Muhammad Assad — Co-Founder and CEO, Tamasia
Ronald Wijaya — Country Head (Indonesia), Ethis Group and CEO, Ethis Indonesia
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