Contact Us
21/F, Menara Park,
12, Jalan Yap Kwang Seng,
50450, Kuala Lumpur,
General Tel: +603 2162 7800
General Fax: +603 2162 7810
For more information, please contact:
For media partnerships, delegate enquiries & registration:
Maggie Chong
Events Manager
Tel: +603 2162 7800 ext 19
Fax: +603 2162 7810
Email: [email protected]
For speaking opportunities:
Sangeetha Silvaratnam
Senior Conference Producer
Tel: +603 2162 7800 ext 22
Fax: +603 2162 7810
Email: [email protected]
For logistics, operations & technical enquiries:
Cindy Wong
Head of Events
Tel: +603 2162 7800 ext 46
Fax: +603 2162 7810
Email: [email protected]
For sponsorship opportunities:
Andrew Morgan
Managing Director
Tel: +603 2162 7801
Fax: +603 2162 7810
Email: [email protected]
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