Welcome and Introduction
Dialogue One: Trends and Developments in Islamic Finance and Investment: Ireland, the UK and Further Afield
- What are notable recent developments in Islamic finance and investment in Ireland and the region?
- Exploring socio-political events, the oil price and their inevitable influence on regional Islamic finance
- Has the perception of Islamic finance, investment and banking in Ireland and the UK changed over the past 18 months? If so, why?
- What opportunities are available for Irish and regional Islamic finance in a post-Brexit environment?
- How can Ireland and the UK, through their Islamic finance capabilities, strengthen trade and investment ties with Asia and the Gulf regions?
- Where are the prospects and opportunities for Irish Islamic finance players in these regions?
- Are we likely to see any post-Brexit changes to regulatory environments for Islamic finance transactions?
- What other notable developments is the industry seeing? For example, what’s the outlook for Islamic banking outside the traditional strongholds of the Gulf and Asia?
Coffee Break
Dialogue Two: Effectively Positioning Ireland in the Global Islamic Finance Landscape
- What needs to be done to further align Islamic finance with the aims, objectives and structure of the Irish financial services industry?
- Ireland has positioned itself well to domicile and service Islamic funds and collective investment schemes. What needs to be done to protect and strengthen this position?
- Euronext Dublin has had significant success listing notable Sukuk transactions, with many coming from the Gulf. What has Ireland done right and what needs to be done to insulate this enviable success?
- Ireland has enjoyed success in other niche Shariah compliant financing and investment activities: real estate investment and aircraft leasing to name but two. What other investment and financing activities can Ireland leverage on and create competitive advantage?
- What’s a fair and accurate view of taxation of Islamic finance transactions in the Ireland and Ireland?
- What other global regulatory developments are likely to affect our industry in the coming year?
- Looking ahead: what developments and trends are taking place in other regions that may become significant for Irish markets?
Close of Dialogue