1 participant: RM4,000/$1,100
2 participants: RM8,000/$2,200
3 participants: RM12,000/$3,300
4 participants: RM16,000/$4,400
5 participants: RM20,000/$5,500
Discounts are available for group bookings. Please contact us for more details.
ESG Investing
A Four-Part, Online Course
Date: 19th - 22nd June 2023
ESG-based investment vehicles have gained enormous prominence in the past two years. The ESG premium on the S&P500 has gone from negative to positive, where it has stayed for over a year. Why is this so and what are the forces at play that has made this happen? This program explores the main investment themes and goes into detail with the most popular ESG indices. According to a recent Bloomberg Intelligence report, global ESG-based investment assets will top USD50trn by 2025, when total global assets under management (AUM) will reach USD140trn. These staggering forecasts underline the importance attributed to this fundamental change to investment management.
This program offers the informed intermediate learner eight sessions packed with information and the opportunity to ask questions and discuss answers.
The first session outlines the breadth and depth of ESG-based investments in terms of types of asset owners, types of funds and size of investment portfolios (AUM). The following three sessions describe, contrast and analyze the six different ESG strategies professional investors apply in practice. Session five looks at how traditional equity investment analysis changes as a result of ESG elements in the portfolio. A major element in this session is the debate around how the perpetuity element in CAPM valuation will change and how to quantify it. Session six asks the same question as in session five, only this time focusing on fixed income investment analysis. It is reasonable to assume that bond spreads will change, thus driving valuation changes, but how will this process be driven? Session seven discusses the use of ESC indices in portfolio allocation and performance appraisal. A small number of actual index calculations will be performed for illustration. The final session brings participants to discuss practical approaches to managing ESG investment risk in a portfolio, whether by controls, guidelines or sanctions.
1 participant: RM4,000/$1,100
2 participants: RM8,000/$2,200
3 participants: RM12,000/$3,300
4 participants: RM16,000/$4,400
5 participants: RM20,000/$5,500
Discounts are available for group bookings. Please contact us for more details.
If you are looking for an in-house training program or wish to send a group to an existing public program, kindly please contact Andrew Tebbutt at [email protected] or +603 2162 7802.
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Send me Details
For enquiries please contact:
Normariya Sariman
Account Manager, REDmoney Seminars
[email protected]
Direct Line: +603 2162 7800 ext 44
Ramesh Kalimuthu
Events Sales Director
[email protected]
Direct Line: +603 2162 7800 ext 65
Fax: +603 2162 7810
For sponsorship & speaking opportunities:
Andrew Tebbutt
Managing Director
[email protected]
Direct Line: +603 2162 7802
For marketing and media enquiries
Govina Selvanthran
Marketing Manager
[email protected]
Direct Line: +603 2162 7800 ext 22
ESG Investing
A Four-part, online course
Date: 19th - 22nd June 2023
Send me Details
ESG-based investment vehicles have gained enormous prominence in the past two years. The ESG premium on the S&P500 has gone from negative to positive, where it has stayed for over a year. Why is this so and what are the forces at play that has made this happen? This program explores the main investment themes and goes into detail with the most popular ESG indices. According to a recent Bloomberg Intelligence report, global ESG-based investment assets will top USD50trn by 2025, when total global assets under management (AUM) will reach USD140trn. These staggering forecasts underline the importance attributed to this fundamental change to investment management.
This program offers the informed intermediate learner eight sessions packed with information and the opportunity to ask questions and discuss answers.
The first session outlines the breadth and depth of ESG-based investments in terms of types of asset owners, types of funds and size of investment portfolios (AUM). The following three sessions describe, contrast and analyze the six different ESG strategies professional investors apply in practice. Session five looks at how traditional equity investment analysis changes as a result of ESG elements in the portfolio. A major element in this session is the debate around how the perpetuity element in CAPM valuation will change and how to quantify it. Session six asks the same question as in session five, only this time focusing on fixed income investment analysis. It is reasonable to assume that bond spreads will change, thus driving valuation changes, but how will this process be driven? Session seven discusses the use of ESC indices in portfolio allocation and performance appraisal. A small number of actual index calculations will be performed for illustration. The final session brings participants to discuss practical approaches to managing ESG investment risk in a portfolio, whether by controls, guidelines or sanctions.
This four-part training program will be delivered online through a stable, secure and free-to-access platform. The program itself will be delivered through lectures, worked examples and case studies in order to ensure a detailed and practical understanding of the program content. Participants will have plenty of opportunity to ask questions and interact with the program director. Login details and program materials will be sent to participants upon receipt of payment
1 participant: RM4,000/$1,100
2 participants: RM8,000/$2,200
3 participants: RM12,000/$3,300
4 participants: RM16,000/$4,400
5 participants: RM20,000/$5,500
Discounts are available for group bookings. Please contact us for more details.
If you are looking for an in-house training program or wish to send a group to an existing public program, kindly please contact Andrew Tebbutt at [email protected] or +603 2162 7802.
Learn More
Each session will be interactive in a seminar format, with participants encouraged to engage with questions throughout.
A four-part online program will be delivered online through a stable, secure and free-to-access platform. The program itself will be delivered through lectures, worked examples and case studies in order to ensure a detailed and practical understanding of the program content. Participants will have plenty of opportunity to ask questions and interact with the program director. Login details and program materials will be sent to participants upon receipt of payment
The program is highly interactive and will encourage participation through exercises and case studies that the delegates will solve individually or in small workgroups. These activities are designed to allow delegates to practice and to consolidate the concepts that will be discussed during the lectured sessions of the program. The program will focus on the practical realities of the market, rather than taking an excessively mathematical or academic approach.
Christian Thornæs
Christian delivers training to blue chip investment and commercial banks across Europe, North America, Asia and the Middle East - ranging from specific one-off courses to complex programs designed to fit corporate strategic objectives.
Before beginning his training career, Christian worked as an investment banker and financial engineer in London and Hong Kong. His main responsibilities were to structure and sell new financial products to clients on both the issuer and the buy side. He was involved in ECA-backed transactions, including buyer and supplier credits, as well as forfaiting structures and also worked on the due diligence on the original MTS/London Thamesport financing.
Christian has an MBA from INSEAD, France as well as a BA and a M.Sc. (Econ.) from Copenhagen Business School, Denmark.
The program is highly interactive and will encourage participation through exercises and case studies that the delegates will solve individually or in small workgroups. These activities are designed to allow delegates to practice and to consolidate the concepts that will be discussed during the lectured sessions of the program. The program will focus on the practical realities of the market, rather than taking an excessively mathematical or academic approach.
For enquiries please contact:
Normariya Sariman
Account Manager, REDmoney Seminars
[email protected]
Direct Line: +603 2162 7800 ext 44
Ramesh Kalimuthu
Events Sales Director
[email protected]
Direct Line: +603 2162 7800 ext 65
Fax: +603 2162 7810
For sponsorship & speaking opportunities:
Andrew Tebbutt
Managing Director
[email protected]
Direct Line: +603 2162 7802
For marketing and media enquiries
Govina Selvanthran
Marketing Manager
[email protected]
Direct Line: +603 2162 7800 ext 22